Ask people to treat your newsletter as a business expense

Help someone do their job better

Sebastian Gutierrez • Feb 26, 2023

Your subscribers can claim your newsletter as a business expense IF your newsletter is focused on a business-related topic.

src: Kenny Eliason

Which means two things:

  1. It can be treated as tax deductible spend for their organization
  2. They can purchase a subscription out of their professional development, learning, or training budget.

And because when someone becomes a paid subscriber, they immediately get a receipt - they can expense it easily.

Furthermore, if your subscribers are in the EU, you can also generate invoices and EU VAT-compliant invoices that are suitable for expensing at companies on your account page.

So if your Substack Newsletter Publication is related to someone's job - make sure to remind them that they can treat subscribing to your newsletter as a business expense.

Until next time!

All the best,